Mission Statement & Vision
We want to ensure that each pupil leaves the Trust in a significantly better place than when they arrived. An educational need should never be allowed to translate into an educational deficit. These guiding principles will lead us to instil and expand an educational culture that imbues resilience, co-operation, and a love of learning. The James Marks Academy Trust will be an institution that constantly challenges itself to provide transformative teaching and learning to an ever-larger pool of pupils. The trust will provide a proactive and innovative approach to SEND. Our strong partnerships, staff development, commitment to holistic development and quality first teaching will ensure our pupils thrive, and the success of the pupils within the trust will therefore impact beyond the boundaries of its individual schools.
Trust Long Term Vision
The JMAT will lead a community of schools, which act as a beacon to others and exemplify what can be achieved through collaborative working.
The best practice within the JMAT will be disseminated amongst our community partnership schools. To share and develop skills, knowledge and expertise with other professional practitioners who support pupils with SEN.
Trust Strategic Principles
- The pupils will be at the heart of all our decisions.
- We will cherish learning in every sense and find a flexible pathway to enable each individual to fulfil their potential.
- We will help to prepare each pupil to enable them to become successful, economically active, happy adults.
- The families of pupils who attend the JMAT schools will be treated as equals and valued for their contributions.
- All members of the community will celebrate the unique talents and abilities of each individual.
- James Marks showed exceptional enthusiasm, bravery, kindness and resilience throughout his life. We will honour his memory by modelling, exemplifying and eliciting these qualities in our daily interactions with our pupils and their families.