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James Marks Academy Trust home page

The James Marks

Academy Trust

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The James Marks Academy Trust

Established in 2021, the Trust has the remit of supporting pupils who are academically able but have been unable to access school as a result of significant anxiety, or mental health issues. The Trust aims to build on the success of Roman Fields School – a provision in the west of Hertfordshire that has won plaudits for its work with anxious pupils, particularly those with ASC.

It is the ambition of the Trust to further expand and improve the educational provision of those with Special Educational needs across the county.

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Staff morale is high. Staff, including those new to the school, speak highly of school leaders and the high-quality training they receive. They say that leaders are approachable and that they listen to their ideas and feedback. One member of staff summarised the views of others saying 'It is a privilege to work at Roman Fields.' Please scroll through to find the results of the 2022 staff survey.

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Expectations are extremely high. Leaders insist on excellent standards for social behaviour among pupils and staff. The respect shown for one another and for staff is excellent.

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Staff demonstrate the highest levels of care and commitment to pupils. They expertly manage each pupil’s needs and share unreservedly in the headteacher’s aspiration.

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Results from the 2022 Staff Survey based on Ofsted questions. 96.4% Strongly agree and 3.6% agree that pupils are safe at this school. 89.3% Strongly agree and 10.7% agree that the school encourages a calm and orderly culture that is aspirational for all pupils. 71.4% strongly agree and 28.6% agree that the school is well led and managed. 78.5% strongly agree and 21.5% agree that they enjoy working at Roman Fields Academy.

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Our Family of Schools

Roman Fields Academy Logo

Roman Fields Academy

James Mark Academy Logo

James Mark Academy

Forest House Education Centre Logo

Forest House Education Centre


Read what people have to say about us.

View More Testimonials

"You have a miracle school! You have made such a huge difference in my child's life with your understanding and dedication"

Letter from Parent

"Thank you for sharing a part of my journey by teaching me at your school and understanding me. The staff I have worked with have all been truly amazing."

Comment from former pupil

"Teaching is outstanding"

Comment from Ofsted Report

Aspirational for those with Diverse Needs

“Enabling each pupil to believe in and value them self, to have aspirations and to be the best they can be. To unlock a positive future for each pupil through working collaboratively with them, their families, outside agencies and the wider community”.

Click the boxes to learn about our pupils journey.

Learn about our pupils journey below.

  • Experience a very different and supportive educational setting and ethos.
  • Identify a passion or interest that I can enjoy away from my family home.
  • Share and show what I am able to do with others.
  • Overcoming barriers to learning.
  • Bridging the gaps in my knowledge.
  • Developing social skills, reducing anxieties and developing confidence.
  • Moving forward with help and support.
  • Developing my independence.
  • Challenging myself.
  • Gain qualifications and accreditations.
  • Celebrate my achievements and successes.
  • Begin to voice and focus on what I would like to do next.
  • Being supported to progress and move onto my next setting.
  • Recognising and identifying the progress that I have made since being here.
  • Reflecting on my personal growth and how I have changed.
James Marks Academy Trust home page

The James Marks

Academy Trust

Contact Us

James Marks Academy Trust

Roman Fields, 11 Box Lane,

Hemel Hempstead,

Herts, HP3 0DF


01442 256915


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