Message from Executive Head
Welcome to the James Marks Academy Trust website.
The James Marks Academy opened in September, 2023 and joined our existing provisions, the Roman Fields Academy and Forest House Education Centre. Our schools typically support pupils who, prior to joining, have not been able to reach their full potential. All of our pupils, across our sites, will have EHC plans.
We strive to create an environment where each individual can flourish irrespective of their previous difficulties. We take a holistic approach to developing our pupils, from support for families, to bespoke educational programmes leading to successful onward transition.
Our success is built on a genuine collaborative partnership between Members, Trustees, staff, SEN professionals, schools/colleges, employers, parents/carers and our pupils; a partnership that has high aspirations for all and places the pupils in our care at the heart of every decision. Visitors to our current sites, Roman Fields Academy, James Marks Academy and FHEC, are immediately struck by the respectful, calm and considerate atmosphere which mirrors the pride and commitment both our staff and pupils have in our community.
Trust, mutual respect and exceptional teaching are key to building the kind of relationships that have driven our early success at the Roman Fields Academy, later replicated at FHEC and now continuing at the James Marks Academy.
Roman Fields was rated as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted in June 2024. Please read the report, as we feel it accurately reflects our school.
There is a wealth of information on the website that I hope demonstrates our commitment to replicate what we have accomplished in our founder provision across the Trust.
Trevor Orchard
Executive Head